Tag: The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary

Nov 2022
Annunciation of the Virgin Mary

We recognize the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, which you know is a very important feast in our church. As children, we belong to God. So why don’t we lift up our eyes and our hearts where the Lord is? It is a very unique time before Christmas. Luke 1:26–38 If we can lift our eyes and hearts where the throne of the Lord is, Jesus will send angels to bring good news to human beings. The archangel Gabriel brought good news to Zachariah, the priest, the message to Mary and St.......

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Nov 2019
Annunciation of the Virgin Mary

I would like to ask a question to all of us – how many of us listen to the news daily? How many hours? A lot. The next question is, how much of this is good news? And, on the other hand, how much of this is bad news? At the end of the day, you may not hear even one bit of good news. Today we read about the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary – translated, the “annunciation” means “the good news.” (Luke 1:26-38) How, as Christians, can we distinguish between......

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Dec 2018
From Father Andrew Bahhi: The Revelation of Joseph is a Lesson

I ask our heavenly father to be with you and open our hearts as Joseph did so Jesus could become our savior. But when we talk about the revelation of Joseph, we speak about a righteous man. The Bible does not speak about him a lot, nor does the Bible record any single words attributable to him. But at the same time, he played an important role in the journey of Jesus Christ. This sermon I direct towards men. After he found that Mary was pregnant, Joseph began to see the change......

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Nov 2018
From Father Andrew Bahhi: The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary

I ask Jesus to be with us and in our heart and among us this morning. This Sunday is the 4th Sunday of the church calendar, where we celebrate the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. We usually celebrate this on March 25, 9th months before Christmas. We also read this now before Christmas for our spiritual journey as preparation for Christmas. When we talk of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, we talk of the good news sent from heaven by the angel Gabriel to share the good news with humans, by......

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