Tag: Easter

May 2022
Jesus and Disciples Fishing

This Sunday we learn how the Lord again appeared to the disciples since the Resurrection, and this time it happened as they returned to their normal life. The disciples joined Simon to go fishing. Something similar happens a lot with us after the Holy Season and is a reminder to us all: The Resurrection does not end on Easter, but instead the feast of the Resurrection BEGINS on Easter. We should take advantage of this holy day and take the blessings to all of our days. After Jesus’s Resurrection, many important things......

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May 2021
Father Andrew May 9

We call today the New Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter. Yet, today’s reading represents how we talk about doubt. The disciples spoke of seeing Jesus rise from death. But Thomas said, “no, unless I see with my eyes, or touch with my hand, I will not believe.” So why is the New Sunday also called the Doubt Sunday? Such opposition. But yet, our faith begins when we search for God, in other words, we have doubts. This doubt then will lead us to have faith. This doubt will lead you to......

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May 2021
Easter Syriac Orthodox Church

Christ has risen. Our dear brothers and sisters, I am very happy and very blessed and very honored and humbled to celebrate this liturgy, especially when last year we were not able to celebrate together this beautiful Easter. And we cry out Christ Is Risen. We should always, whenever you are down, remember what happened to Jesus and his disciples, and on Sunday, Christ rose from death. Ask God to help you to help you and raise you up from wherever you are, whatever you face, whatever things you are going through.......

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Apr 2021
Palm Sunday 2021 Syriac Orthodox Church

Today, we celebrate the entering of our Savior Jesus Christ to Jerusalem. We call this Sunday “Palm Sunday.” This Sunday where the little children and unknown people rejoiced and praised the king of kings. And what the Lord is doing today is coming here to our church, our life, our houses – is there anybody ready to worship him, praise him, to call to him “Hosanna, in the highest”? Yes! Hosanna is a Syriac word meaning, “Oh Lord, safe.” I pray that we can all be like the little children who rejoiced......

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Apr 2020
From Father Andrew Bahhi - Saturday of Light before Easter

On, the Holy Saturday, we celebrate the day before Easter. We thank the Lord who brought us to this blessed hour and this very special time. While I was preparing the sermon the other day, I asked this day “What’s your story?” “I feel less important than the other days,” Saturday said to me. “Good Friday is about Jesus’s death and Sunday celebrates Jesus’s resurrection. Nobody remembers this day, and nobody cares about me.” But this day is very important. We are one day away from the biggest feast ever, the resurrection......

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Apr 2019
Assyrian Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary - Easter 2019

Christ has Risen. Let’s all of us say “Indeed he’s Risen” 50 days ago, we began a beautiful season we called the Holy Lent. I thank the Holy Father that during this beautiful journey, that He is crowned with the death and resurrection of our Savior. Like the spring when everything comes back to life, for you also begins a new season of life. It is crowned with the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. By the power of the resurrection we ask that He bless our life always, all the days......

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Apr 2019
Easter 2019 Message from Father Andrew Bahhi

“For I know you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not Here for He has risen!” (Matthew 28:5-6) Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ, As we complete our Lenten journey and the commemoration of the last days that Jesus lived here on earth, which helped us enter deeply into the betrayal of Jesus, His sacrifice, His suffering, His death and His glorious resurrection. Today, The Lord is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! We celebrate our hope and victory over sin and death. God used the death and the resurrection......

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Mar 2019
The Reading of the Patriarchal Encyclical for Great Lent

We are honored to release the Patriarchial Encyclical for Great Lent. You can watch the video of the full reading of the letter, issued from Damascus, here. May the Lord accept your fasting, repentance, prayers and almsgiving. May He make you worthy to rejoice in the Feast of His Resurrection, enjoying good health of spirit, body and mind. May He have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, St. Peter, Chief of the Apostles, and all the martyrs and saints.  ...

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Apr 2018
From Father Andrew Bahhi: Living a Resurrection Life

The church calendar tells us to that we are still in the time of the Resurrection and to remind ourselves of the times that Jesus showed himself to the disciples. Here’s a story of one of those times. If any one of us are still doubting His Resurrection, sometimes the doubt is not that we don’t believe in His Resurrection, it is that we don’t believe in the power of His Resurrection. That we can apply it in our life as Christians. How come we have the Lord, and He rose from......

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