The Word

Jul 2018
From Father Andrew Bahhi: Being a Role Model for Christ

You come to church, listen to the Holy Liturgy, participate in the hymns, listen to the gospel, receive communion and then hear the sermon. You pray a lot and ask for God. But all that would be worthless if we do not apply that in our life. It is easy to pray in church, receive communion and participate. But the hardest part is taking the communion we receive and make it an action in our life. If we have Jesus in our life it is because we love him in our heart.......

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Jul 2018
From Father Andrew Bahhi: The Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul and the 12th Apostles. Jesus gave them authority when he breathed the Holy Spirit into them in the upper room. That’s why we call our church an apostolic church, because our church has originated from St. Peter. Most of the apostles were very simple people, poor, working hard to manage their daily life. Some of them had limited abilities, but when we see Jesus teaching them the secret of the Kingdom, he shows how — with the Holy Spirit – they......

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Jun 2018
From Father Andrew Bahhi: The Testimony of Our Faith

Our church decided on 16 of every May to recognize the Sayfo. The persecution that happened to our people in 1915 in Mesopotamia, our fatherland. We all have a forefather or mother who has been killed in this persecution. Even though we lost them on earth, their name is written in the book of life. In Matthew 10:14, Jesus says, “And if anyone will not welcome you or heed your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town.” Those people who gave their life for their......

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Jun 2018
From Father Andrew Bahhi: The Power of the Heavenly Sword

After the Pentecost, we see the readings of Jesus talking more with his disciples. Until the Feast of the 12 Disciples, we indicate something very important: Jesus was preparing his disciples to bring the word of salvation to everyone. He taught them a lot of teachings. Some people struggle with these readings, as Jesus says “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34-36) People say “Abuna, we are Christians and don’t believe in killing. Why......

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Jun 2018
From Father Andrew Bahhi: Take vacations from the world, but not God

Without God’s guidance we are lost in this life. Last week, we celebrated the feast of the Pentecost. And we were praying upon the Holy Spirit to come unto all of us. And we prayed for the Holy Spirit to abide by us. But usually in this time of the year, after the Holy Week, after the resurrection, after the feast of the Pentecost, there are not usually many spiritual feasts on the calendar. During this period, a lot of people think that now the kids have finished school, think “let us......

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May 2018
From Father Andrew Bahhi: Pentecost & Receiving the Holy Spirit

We celebrate the Pentecost as the day of the coming of the Holy Spirit over the disciples. Jesus reminded them to stay in Jerusalem first until the Holy Spirit comes. He fulfilled his promise. That’s why we believe he is with us now, or we are talking with him through your prayers or the sermon. Pentecost is Greek for “Fifty” — After 50 days of Jesus being raised from the dead we received the Holy Spirit. In that day, the church was consecrated when the disciples received the Holy Spirit and the......

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May 2018
Syriac Christian Ascension Feast

Today, we celebrate a very important feast, we call the Ascension to Heaven. One day, God out of his love a long time ago after Adam and Eve broke the commandment of God, said “From your seed will come the one who will smash the head of the serpent.” (Genesis 3:15) When Jesus ascended to heaven, he fulfilled all the prophesies and all the stories in him. He is without sin, without any blemish. This absolute and perfect God, after he was raised, was with the disciples for 40 days explaining the......

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May 2018
From Father Andrew Bahhi: Living a Life of Service

“Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God” – Luke 9:60. Jesus said the way of heaven is full of struggles. Only a few people can find it. It is an honor and a blessing. Not everyone is able to do it. I remember once, while serving our church in Virginia, driving my car. I see other churches put verses outside on signs to attract others. One sign said: “Come to serve God, because you cannot serve God yesterday.” The future is in your......

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May 2018
From Father Andrew Bahhi: Living with Light in Your Heart

“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” – John 3:19 Jesus says “I am the light of the light of the world.” Whoever believes in Jesus, the light will abide in him and will guide him, and at the end of his life, he will inherit the kingdom of God. He is the one who gives lightness, not to condemn us but save us. We can walk peacefully without having fear in the light. In......

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Apr 2018
From Father Andrew Bahhi: Listening and Understanding God’s Will

“My food is to do the will of him that sent me to finish his work.” – John 4:34 Jesus wanted to open our eyes as Christians and listen. Part of listening is to have a mission in your life. You are not only Christian to fill a number or sit in the church. You are to proclaim the good news to everyone. Jesus loves you. Open your heart to him. Do the will of God, the Father. To understand this will is not easy in our life. A lot of people......

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